We are growing a business

Simon Marseille
2 min readApr 23, 2021

No, it’s not about you or your friends or ideas. It’s not about the past, nor it is about a new cool feature, trend or technology.

Sure, we will all have to grow as individuals and as a group, some may stay, some may leave, others may bloom right there where they started.

A business is certainly a melting pot of human needs and desires! Hell, it entirely depends on them to perform a function and to hook into others.

Automation, speculation, accessibility, luxury… all can be made into specific functions to attain peculiar goals: survival, greed, but also and perhaps more.

I’d like to focus on the more. As a business, that is an organic entity that thrives to grow and accomplish something an individual cannot, we cannot act so selfishly as to put ourselves in front of others.

Each member has a talent that can be translated into a function to perform. That function has an end, a goal. For most business, that goal is solely to exist, to maintain itself.

For the better ones, the rare and more successful ones, they pursue a meaning that far surpasses the compound interests of their members. They strive for perfection, for justice, for domination, for ideals that cannot be obtained merely by “doing it right”.

Growing these businesses demand leadership that is uncommon: A worldview that sweeps the faint-hearted aside. A discipline for excellence to forge all egos as one.

As we march together, enduring feelings and demands that could take us apart, we have a mission to shed a clear light on the tasks at hand:

We need to excel at everything in order to win everything we are aiming for.

